About Me

Hi there! I’m Jennifer, a Minneapolis-based travel fanatic and amateur photographer. I’ve created this blog to share photos from and tidbits about my travels, usually with my fellow adventurer-in-arms, cat-lover and boyfriend, Ian. It’s also a spot where you’ll occasionally find posts about recipes I’ve tried and other forays into the world of food.

In the past few years, I’ve been fortunate enough to visit a lot of amazing places: Madagascar, the Galápagos Islands, Morocco, Paris, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Africa, Milwaukee, Montreal, Toronto, Dublin, Aruba, Anguilla, Mexico, Alaska and Svalbard in the Arctic Circle. Madagascar was mind-blowing and I highly recommend that anyone who loves animals and wants to see lemurs in the wild go now. Road travel there can be tough, but it’s worth it!

Pre-pandemic, I was an editor for Delta’s inflight magazine, Sky (RIP). I was lucky enough to be able to write about several of my trips, such as the 10-day expedition through the Galápagos in May 2017 or the weeklong Spanish immersion with Fluenz in Mexico City.

Here are a few quick facts about me:

  1. Camera: Nikon D7100, somtimes my iPhone 6 iPhone 10. I’m dreaming of a Nikon D850, though.
  2. Most Recent Trip: Paris for my XXth birthday. It was so nice to be back after a two-year hiatus. Wishing we could go back again since the exchange rate is so favorable right now! If you go, check out Plaq chocolatier; I had this amazing bar stuffed with a pistachio paste..
  3. Next Trip: Wait for it…Duluth! Followed by Milwaukee and San Diego.
  4. Favorite City: Paris. I mean, c’mon. How can you not love Paris?
  5. Currently Reading: I’m in the middle of The Candy House by Jennifer Egan. I’m not sure how I’m feeling about it…definitely interesting. A book that I absolutely devoured was Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy. Her writing is beautiful and although the story can be sad and shocking, I still loved it.
  6. Current Obsessions: Still knitting. Here’s my Ravelry page for anyone who wants to follow along at home, complete with a Baby Yoda pattern. Also, I’m learning Spanish. I have an online tutor from Tijuana, Ana, from Spanish55.
  7. Travel Wishlist: So hard to narrow down but the top five are South Georgia/the Antarctic, India, Rwanda (round 2), French Polynesia and Hawaii, one of the only states I’ve never been to. If you aren’t already playing Worldle (note NOT Wordle), try it now. There’s nothing better to show you how bad you are at geography.

Thanks for visiting!