CSA Week 4

CSA Week 4


While Ian and I were feeling a little worn out this week with veggie prep, the cats sure were enjoying the CSA. Sesame was especially intrigued by the herbs during my little photo shoot. We kind of took it easy this week, storing or freezing much of what we got for use later. It’s a mid-summer veggie slump.

The hero of this week’s share was the raspberries. These little beauties never last long. Also eaten out of hand were the grape tomatoes. Our own tomatoes are starting to come in, so we’re trying to keep pace by having tomatoes every day.

Also easy: the sage, chives and oregano, which just got repotted and place on the patio.

Cat sniffing veggies

This was our first batch of chub cucumbers, and we knew exactly what to do with them: Make Grandma Punky’s Refrigerator Pickles, a recipe suggestion that came with the CSA last summer. The pickles also call for the Epicurian Delight Onion that came in this week’s box, as well as tarragon vinegar. We’ve had good luck finding it at our local Cub Foods.

Lettuce and regular cucumbers: These were washed and prepped, ready to be turned into salads. Add some chopped tomatoes, avocado, mozzarella cheese and maybe a hard-boiled egg or two and it’s a super-filling lunch.

Burned out on veggies, the broccoli, cabbage and zucchini were socked away in the refrigerator for a day I would feel more inspired. To keep the yellow and green beans, I spread them out on a cookie sheet and froze them, then stored them in plastic freezer bags–a treat for fall or winter. (You’re welcome, future self.)

And that’s it. We’re saving our energy for the big-hitting weeks, which we know are about to descend.