CSA Week 3

CSA Week 3


So, this is when it starts to get tricky. This week wouldn’t have been so bad except that we still had quite a few items left over from last week. Thank god for the holiday, which gave us a little extra time to wrap our heads around what to do with it all. Here’s where we landed:

Onion This got put in the “to be used later” basket, where at some point it will be caramelized and turned into French onion soup.

Radishes, cucumbers & strawberries Let’s get the easiest ones out of the way–we ate these out of hand. (Actually, Ian ate the radishes since I have a hard time with them.) Cucumbers are an excellent vehicle for hummus or salsa, BTW.

Spinach Every morning this week, I tossed a handful of these leaves in my breakfast shake. Spinach turns it a bit green but you can’t even taste it and you benefit from its healthy profile. I’ve become addicted to my morning shake and almost feel a loss when we’re traveling and I have to settle for something like, oh, a Parisian croissant. (Ok, that may be stretching it.) But here’s what I blend together: 1 banana, 3 tablespoons peanut butter powder (bought in bulk at Costco), 1 tablespoon chocolate whey protein powder, 1 tablespoon Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa powder (so much better than the regular stuff), a tablespoon of vanilla, 3 ice cubes, 1/2 cup chocolate almond milk and plain Greek yogurt to taste. It’s so filling–I’m typically not hungry again until lunchtime.

Snow peas & English peas We sautéed these in a little olive oil for a really quick side dish.

Bok choy This was another sauté-er, getting some time in a skillet with olive oil and a few Asian seasonings. (I’d tell you which ones but Ian took the lead with many of the veggies this week–yay!)

Baby red potatoes I think potatoes might be one of my favorite foods, especially when they’re mashed with a ton of butter and lightly salted. That’s what I did with these, keeping the skins on (they’re that tender), and they were delish.

Lettuce & romaine More salads.

Kohlrabi Ah, kohlrabi, our old friend. With new ones adding to the heads (is it a head of kohlrabi? a round? don’t know) from last week and to ones in the fridge from last year, we knew the time had come to take action. Ian was responsible for the metamorphosis of these and turned them into Spicy Baked Kohlrabi Fries, a recipe that came with last year’s harvest. I recommend dipping ‘em in ranch dressing or hot sauce.

Somehow, that was it–finito! We made it through. But we know we’re in for a few rough weeks, what with traveling and getting harder-to-be-creative-with items. But the only way through is forward.