Pink Supermoon

Pink Supermoon


With no big trips for the past few months – and none on the calendar for the foreseeable future – I haven’t taken out my camera for quite a while. But Tuesday night’s pink moon (it’s not actually pink [bummer] but named after a pink flower) inspired our household to get out on the rooftop deck and take a few shots. Or, rather, it inspired Ian, and I trailed along a bit later. Pink it wasn’t, but it still made a gorgeous sight suspended just off to the upper left of the lit-up Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church. I had my big lens on and wasn’t able to get both the church spire and the supermoon in the same photo, so I just concentrated on capturing some nice texture. To me, it looks like a giant space canteloupe. I had hoped to repeat the exercise last night, but either buildings or clouds blocked my view and it was a no-go. Maybe the next time around….

Here’s a larger shot.

The pink supermoon over Minneapolis